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We will analyze it immediately and quickly give you a solution.
Within less than 12 hours our experts will contact you.
We will solve your criminal case, we will tell you how to do it and our best price.
M Villa11/08/2022 Los mejores abogados penalistas, gran servicio. flores isboset10/08/2022 Son los mejores abogados !! Los recomiendo !! Hacen un buen servicio limpio!! Sin muchas vueltas . luis swagger09/08/2022 my daughter confessed to me that she had suffered a crime when we lived in tijuana 10 years ago by a relative, she was very angry and called the lawyers, they were very kind and explained what we should do Maik Gaming09/08/2022 my cousin traveled to rosarito and they arrested him, they said he was responsible for a collision and that he was drunk, the lawyers helped him get out, a good price and they answer on Sunday EMILY FERNANDA GUZMAN - CORDOVA22/07/2022 my daughter confessed to me that she had suffered a crime when we lived in tijuana 10 years ago by a relative, she was very angry and called the lawyers, they were very kind and explained what we should do Kareen Makeup20/07/2022 Excelente atención y servicio, te resuelven cada duda que tengas y te explica a detalle tu caso y como pueden resolverlo , y las instalaciones muy lindas y lo importante super limpias. Exelente servicio. Tony Ibarra (Tijuana24h)03/06/2022 Super recomendados. ♥ Bernice Saucedo01/06/2022 I am from California we hire this buffet of lawyer Justicia transparent spoke with Herman Teriqiez and he toke our case from Tijuana mex and now after few weeks I have my family member free I really recommend him and all his team that work in my case they are very professional and honest on their work like I said very recommend 100% Thank you again Justicia Trasparente 😉 Alambrito 11812/05/2022 Excelente servicio y asesoría, todo muy profesional.
Legally, the only way in which we can know if they are looking for us is by requesting an amparo, an amparo so that we can be informed if there is an arrest warrant against the complainant who has been accused or accused of a crime. .
Esta es la única manera por que evidentemente al solicitar una orden de aprehensión el ministerio público viene actuando en secrecía, es decir todavía no cita al imputado para efectos de que comparezca a alguna diligencia ministerial, esto es porque evidentemente lo que quieren es capturarlo.
En la práctica pasa algo en donde pueden estar ustedes muy alerta, en muchas de las ocasiones se gira una orden de aprehensión en contra de un imputado, etc., y el ministerio público les envía un citatorio a la persona para efectos de que acudan al ministerio público y ahí le ejecutan la orden de aprehensión se la cumplimentan.
a veces este tipo de actividades o este tipo de acciones pueden dificultar un poco la defensa del imputado, entonces aquí lo que recomendamos es que si sienten que los están buscando si ya han ido los policías a buscarlos busquen asesoría de un abogado penalista para efectos de que pueda solicitar un amparo contra orden de aprehensión y que lo puedan apoyar.
What is a subpoena from the Prosecutor’s Office and why are they citing me?
It is a mandate carried out by the Public Ministry or the Prosecutor who is investigating a crime against a person for the purpose of the latter appearing before the Public Ministry, this to carry out an act within the process, an act of investigation that must be carried out the Public Ministry; and for this, there are two types of subpoenas.
The first of them is a summons which is issued by justice by agreements, this type of summons has the particularity that it is an appointment for the purpose of trying to fix it, you will be able to see in the summons that you are going as a guest, that’s because a person who claims to be a victim of a crime is accusing you of having committed it, in this sense you are going as a guest, for this you have to deal with crimes that can occur or that can be resolved through a reparation agreement, that is, through a figure in which the Public Prosecutor’s Office can be the one in control, control of the agreement, accept it and in due course, in case it is complied with, the non-exercise of criminal action is decreed right there.
The second is a summons that is sent to you by the investigating Public Ministry, unlike the other summons in this situation, you are already being ordered so that you go to the Public Ministry so that the Public Ministry performs an act since They are investigating you, that is, you are already being treated as accused, and the Public Ministry considers that you should be considered accused, that you are being investigated and from that moment on is when you have to appear at the summons, obviously in case the citation is well done and meets other requirements that we are going to show you in the following questions.