german jalil terriquez cordova

What happens if I decide to disregard ministerial subpoenas? 4 things you should know.

What happens if I decide to disregard ministerial subpoenas? What happens if I decide to disregard ministerial subpoenas? In today’s blog we will talk to you about one of the bad decisions that many people usually make, sometimes out of fear, others because they do not have knowledge about what happened, or simply because they

What happens if I decide to disregard ministerial subpoenas? 4 things you should know. Read More »

What happens if I do not attend a summons from the prosecution? 3 things you should know.

What happens if I do not attend a summons from the prosecution? 3 things you should know. In today’s blog we will talk about the consequences of not attending the subpoenas of the prosecution, which will be more focused on the accused, since they are the ones who have the greatest consequences. 1. What kind

What happens if I do not attend a summons from the prosecution? 3 things you should know. Read More »

What happens if I fail to comply with the precautionary measures previously imposed? 5 things you should know.

What happens if I fail to comply with the precautionary measures previously imposed? In this blog we will talk about the precautionary measures and what happens if you fail to comply with any when you are in a criminal process, since it is a very common error among people at the time of being charged.

What happens if I fail to comply with the precautionary measures previously imposed? 5 things you should know. Read More »

Where and how should I be served with a felony summons? 3 things you should know.

Where and how should I be served with a felony summons? 3 things you should know. Where and how should I be served with a summons? In today’s blog we will talk about subpoenas, not only what we talk about when we mention them, but this time we will focus on where people should be

Where and how should I be served with a felony summons? 3 things you should know. Read More »

What should I do if my home is invaded in Tijuana? Follow these tips.

What should I do if my home is invaded? In today’s blog we are going to talk about a problem that is very common to see today. Anywhere we go we can find with the naked eye that there are uninhabited properties, however the mistake that many people make in thinking that they do not

What should I do if my home is invaded in Tijuana? Follow these tips. Read More »

How many witnesses can I present if I am a victim in Mexico?

How many witnesses can I present if I am a victim? They are all those statements made by people who have knowledge about an event that has occurred, which is related to a crime. The parties to the criminal process, that is, both victim and offended have the right to present it. Where do we

How many witnesses can I present if I am a victim in Mexico? Read More »

How can I report injuries in Mexico?

“I will die very comfortable and happy when crimes are not committed, and if it is not possible, that those who are reported are resolved and justice is granted, whatever happens first” German Terriquez Cordova, Founder of Justicia Transparente In today’s blog, we will explain the different ways that are presented so that you can

How can I report injuries in Mexico? Read More »

How can I get the people who invaded my house out in Mexico?

How can I get the people who invaded my house out? In this Blog we will talk to you in more detail about what measures you can take to remove those people who invaded your home, it is important that we remember certain aspects that were considered in the previous blog. Is it a crime

How can I get the people who invaded my house out in Mexico? Read More »

How can I report family violence?

How can I report family violence? “I will die very comfortable and happy when crimes are not committed, and if it is not possible, that those who are reported are resolved and justice is granted, whatever happens first” German Terriquez Cordova, Founder of Justicia Transparente In today’s blog, we will explain the different ways that

How can I report family violence? Read More »