What happens if I do not attend a summons from the prosecution? 3 things you should know.

What happens if I do not attend a summons from the prosecution? 3 things you should know.

What happens if I do not attend a summons from the prosecution? 3 things you should know.

In today’s blog we will talk about the consequences of not attending the subpoenas of the prosecution, which will be more focused on the accused, since they are the ones who have the greatest consequences.

1. What kind of consequences does neglecting a summons entail?

The fact that a person does not attend a summons sent by the prosecution, not only the defendants but any other whether victims, offended or witness, implies a legal consequence.

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It is important that we remember that the subpoenas require warnings, which are means of pressure without being excessive, which range from fines to arrests for a maximum of 36 hours.

2. If I am charged and I do not attend a summons, can I go to jail?

The answer is yes, when the subpoenas, whether ministerial or judicial, are stopped, the authorities can take it as contempt.

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3. How important is contempt?

It can have a greater impact in the cases in which you are prosecuted or linked to the process, since precautionary measures will be imposed, which are more aggressive, it is here where the public prosecutor could substantiate before the Judge, the fact of having cited on several occasions the defendant and this by not appearing, shows that he does not want to submit to the process being a difficult person to make him appear, it is here where the public prosecutor can request preventive detention, locator, not to leave the city, among other things.

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