The 5 best attorneys in Mexicali

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The 5 best attorneys in mexicali

The 5 best attorneys in mexicali , there are many attorneys, but here we will tell you who are the best 5 attorneys of it, finding the opinions of each of them and the area of law to which they are dedicated.

1.- Lic. Germán Terriquez.

Germán Terrqiez Cordova, a graduate with more than 10 years of experience in criminal and criminal-tax matters, offering advisory services, defense, criminal-tax planning, courses in criminal and business matters, criminal compliance, among other services, being the only lawyer in the north of the country to offer digitized services.

It is always in constant training and professionalization, since courses are taught for the general public.

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If you are in one of these situations, hire an online consultation.

2.- Lic. Paulina Morfin Cedeño.

  attorney banking and financial law, corporate law and regulatory and anti-corruption compliance, an attorney who has established herself in corporate, stock and financial matters, carrying out process audits and establishment of preventive and operational controls, for more information on the licensee enter this link:

3.- Lic. Marco Antonio Villa Miranda.

 attorney specialist in the branches of family, civil, commercial, protection and labor law, his office is located in the city of hermosillo sonora, and has the legal capacity to take your legal case, his office is one of the most prestigious in the city of Hermosillo, if you are interested in learning more about this graduate and his firm, you can enter this link:

4.- Lic. Luis A. Cervantes Muñiz.

 attorney specialized in different branches, such as commercial, civil, family, administration, protection and among others, having an impeccable practice for more than 40 years in corporate and financial law, has managed in recent years the defense of national business groups and global , has activity in corporate, stock, commercial litigation, for more information about this license and his firm you can enter this link:

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5.- Lic. Arturo Gonzalez Araujo.

 attorney with experience in the tax, administrative and intellectual property area, he provides a business analysis, giving special attention to his clients, for more information about his licensee and his office, go to this link:

A good attorney must have the ability to help you in a personalized way, he can provide you with the tools and solutions that you need to obtain what you need.

It is convenient to be agile in decision-making and flexible to adapt to the changes that occur in each situation. That is why you have the choice of being able to choose who you trust the most.

Transparent Justice – criminal attorney, can help you in any matter you need.

The Mexican criminal process explained in English

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