Top 3 Criminal defense law firms in Ensenada
Top 3 Criminal defense law firms in Ensenada is a list made based on the prestige of the legal firms in the locality in which they are located, the opinions of other people about the firm, its transparency in its processes, as well as its positioning in the website and digitization of the firm.
It is a legal firm founded by Germán Terriquez Córdova, with more than 10 years of experience in criminal defense, firearms and drug possesion.
It is the only law firm in the north of the country to offer its mostly digitized services.
Their lawyers are always in constant training and professionalization
Accused a relative of a crime in Mexico? Do you need to know if it is a crime to bring weapons into Mexico? Do you need to know if it is a crime to bring marijuana into Mexico? The prosecutor is accusing me of having committed a crime that I did not commit? Has your loved one been in jail in Mexico for years?
If you are in one of these situations, hire an online consultation.
With more than 30 years established, they are the corporate of lawyers with the most experience in comprehensive care for companies and individuals, specializing in advice on civil, commercial, contractual, labor, family, administrative, foreign exchange law (bills of exchange, checks and promissory notes). ), litigation, insurance, bonds, patents and trademarks.
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TR is a firm that offers legal advice through sophisticated legal services of high specialty and quality, providing personalized and punctual attention to both national and foreign clients.
TR is committed to its clients and to the development of their objectives by implementing comprehensive strategies and solutions, ideal for capitalizing on opportunities honestly, confidentially and innovating in the provision of legal services.
The Mexican criminal process explained in English

Facing Charges in México?.