How can I get the people who invaded my house out?

How can I get the people who invaded my house out?

How can I get the people who invaded my house out?

Is it a crime for people to invade someone else’s property, in this case a house?

Yes, as we have mentioned on other occasions, the fact that someone invades someone else’s home constitutes the crime of dispossession, which is typified in article 385 of the Federal Criminal Code.

How does this crime proceed?

This crime will proceed at the time the victim files their complaint with the corresponding Prosecutor’s Office.

So how can I get the people who invaded my house out?

There are two ways to do it, the first is to try to talk to the person who is invading the home, but this does not work regularly, so this is where you have to go to the second option, which consists of filing the aforementioned complaint.

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If you are in one of these situations, hire an online consultation.

What happens after the dispossession complaint is filed?

Once the complaint is filed, the investigation folder is opened and the Public Ministry follows up on it.

In some criminal codes, mention is made that the criminal action will not be carried out at the time, this because the responsible person is given a period of 72 hours to restore the property.

However, the most common thing is that this does not happen, that is, it is very likely that the person does not agree to return the property and must wait for the criminal process to continue.

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How likely are the people who invaded my home to vacate it?

If you proceed according to the law, this is very likely to happen, since when all the evidence is presented, it is almost certain that they will win the case.

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